Ford IDS Software

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__Ford IDS VCM 2 1 Year Software License__

If you have purchased the Ford IDS VCM 2, then you need to purchase the one-year software Ford license as well (provided it was not already included in your current package). The great thing about buying the Ford diagnostic software license is that you don’t have to wait for anything to be shipped. You will receive the license key in your email within minutes of purchase, and tech support is available to help you with the license installation.

  • 1 Year Activation License Emailed Upon Purchase
  • Full Access Dealer License

The license is necessary to operate the software and must be renewed at regular intervals in order to ensure that all operations are up to date. Purchasing the license through our website ensures that you have an active license code and that you can keep your equipment and business running smoothly.

You can use the Ford IDS software without purchasing a license. Unfortunately, vehicle communications will not work unless you have an active, currently updated Ford IDS subscription. Trying to use the VCM IDS without a software license is like trying to operate a car with no fuel. You might be able to listen to the radio, but you won’t be going anywhere.

**photo is a prop only, cd not included, license is emailed to end user**


___Call 800-399-9495 for quick answers and help!___

Heavy Duty Truck Diagnostics Dot Com has been serving the commercial truck diagnostics industry for years. That is all we do. We have, in stock, many toughbook dealer packages, adapters, cables and peripheral to help you diagnosis the problems with your heavy duty equipment.

__Legal Stuff__

We follow strict guidelines to be in Compliance with EULA, End- User License Agreements and we Respect all EULA Agreements. All customer information and purchaser of the product is the registered end user of this product that is shipped. All trademarks are respected and owned by the respective Companies.

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